Monday, March 16, 2020

COVID-19 - Mrs. Corvino's Online Learning Information and Link

Dear Parents and Fountain Woods Music Students

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, remote learning has been activated.  Your child will be responsible for all work assigned, including work from "special area" classes such as music.  This school closure will take crucial rehearsal time from us so it is important that the students continue to practice their string instruments, chorus songs and recorder materials.  Grading and reporting will still take place.  If you are an orchestra parent, you may reach Mrs. Corvino either via email or using the Remind service.  General Music students and parents can reach Mrs. Corvino via email.  Please, reach out with any questions.

Please follow the link below to Mrs. Corvino's district web page where you can find assignments, play along tracks, links to recordings of our concert pieces, links to Mrs. Corvino's YouTube page and various worksheets

Please encourage your child to practice their instruments.  As of 3/16, our concerts will still be taking place.