Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fall/Winter Rehearsal Schedule

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We hope you will join us in our excitement as we begin our instrumental music programs for the 2014-15 school year!  We are preparing to begin our early morning large group orchestra and band rehearsals.  These rehearsals are required for participation in the concerts.  However, we realize that things happen.  Transporting the children before our school day starts offers some challenges for some of you.  Children may miss a rehearsal for a variety of reasons.  We understand this.  However, in order to prepare the students for a successful performance, they do need to practice together.  To be fair to all, we have decided that each child will be allowed to miss 3 rehearsals and still perform in the Winter Concert at the PAC in January.  More absences could lead to that child not being able to perform.  This decision will be made by the FW Administrative Team along with the musical director, and will be based on the individual circumstances.  Hopefully, it will not get to that point.
Parents will need to provide transportation to the school on rehearsal mornings.  We do not have busses available for this purpose.  You are asked to drop off the children in the front loop of the school and come into the building to sign them in.  A sheet will be set up just inside the front doors for this purpose.  You can drop off your child starting at 7:00 a.mPlease do not drop off any earlier than this as we will not have any supervision for the children until 7:00 a.m.  For safety and security reasons, our front doors will not be unlocked until 7:00.  From 7:00 - 7:15, the young musicians will assemble their instruments, tune, and warm-up.  An administrator will open up the building promptly at 7:00 a.m. to let the children and parents in.  Rehearsals will begin promptly at 7:15 a.m.  Please make sure the children are here by 7:15 so they do not miss the beginning of these important rehearsals.
We understand how difficult it is to get the children up and moving at that time (sometimes equally difficult for us!)  However, their participation in the morning ensemble rehearsals is vital in preparing them for the upcoming concerts.  Participation in our morning, large-group morning sessions helps them to know the music better.  They become more familiar with the sound of their classmates while playing together.  Students that practice together should be more comfortable on “the big stage” at the PAC when they perform in the concerts.
            Please refer to the back of this page for the full Fall / Winter schedule in preparation for the January performances.  We are excited to announce something new this year!  Beginning Band & Orchestra will always rehearse on Tuesdays, Vocal Chords will always rehearse on Wednesdays, and Advanced Band & Orchestra will always be on Thursdays.  Hopefully, this will make things a little less confusing than they have been in the past.  Please note:  If we have a delayed opening, the rehearsal for that day will be cancelled.  If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Corvino, Mr. Mastin, or my office.
We look forward to a great season with your talented musicians!

Mr. Johnson
Rehearsal Schedules

Beginning Band                             Vocal Chords                        Advanced Band& Orchestra                                                                                    & OrchestraTue., Oct. 21st                                  Wed., Oct. 22nd                      Thu., Oct. 23rdTue., Oct. 28th                                  Wed., Oct. 29th                       Thu., Oct. 30thTue., Nov. 11th                                Wed., Nov. 12th                     Thu., Nov. 13thTue., Nov. 18th                                Wed., Nov. 19th                     Thu., Nov. 20thTue., Nov. 25th                                Wed., Nov. 26th         
Tue., Dec. 2nd                                  Wed., Dec. 3rd                        Thu., Dec. 4thTue., Dec. 9th                                   Wed., Dec. 10th                      Thu., Dec. 11thTue., Dec. 16th                                 Wed., Dec. 17th                      Thu., Dec. 18thTue., Jan. 6th                                    Wed., Jan. 7th                         Thu., Jan. 8th
Tue., Jan. 13th                                  Wed., Jan. 14th                       Thu., Jan. 15thTue., Jan. 20th                                  Wed., Jan. 21st                        Thu., Jan. 22nd                                                                                                                        (Orch. Only)

Dress Rehearsals, Assemblies and Concerts (at the PAC)
Dress rehearsals:
FWS Bands- Wednesday, January 21, 2015
FWS Orchestras & Vocal Chords- Monday January 26, 2015
School day assemblies (Bands & Orchestras only): Friday, January 23, 2015
Evening Concerts: 
FWS Bands- Thursday, January 22, 2015 @ 6:30pm
FWS Orchestras & Vocal Chords- Monday January 26, 2015 @ 6:30pm

(The Spring Schedule will come out after the Winter Concert.)

Please note:
If the district calls for a delayed opening or schools are closed due to inclement weather,
the rehearsal for that day will be cancelled